Video Production Tips
This is a great resource created by a video producer.
See what our instructional media looks like:
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Here is a great example of how student-created videos were used to enhance instruction:
Learning & Leading with Technology, vol. 37, no. 8 © 2010, ISTE ® (International Society for Technology in Education), < <> .> All rights reserved.
Sample vIdeos produced by participants at this conference...
Create a one-minute video using the content resources provided.
Scenario: You are an officer of your school’s Science Club.
Purpose: Encourage more students to join the club.
Audience: Prospective new members attending first meeting of the school year.
Check out this video podcast from Indiana University: 1-04 Grammar.mp4
This takes a dry topic (the role that grammar plays in a composition course) and makes it fun through production elements and use of humor.
Want to share tips for producing engaging and effective audio and video files? Have questions? Add your suggestions by editing this page, and use the comment box below.
- Focus on addressing students across the state and beyond rather than just those in your classroom. Do not include references to a specific class, assignment, textbook, or instructional sequence. (Non-example: This lesson is a review of last week’s chapter 4 …)
- Include introductory and closing elements that will help the viewer quickly identify the topic and put it in the context of the larger subject area. For a podcast series, you may want a specific graphic, music, or other elements that are used to open and close all tracks.
- Identify creator and podcast series title and track title.
- Make audio tracks more engaging by adding music, sounds, and interviews.
- Designing an Effective Video Lesson: Think beyond the video footage. What turns straight video footage into an engaging and effective lesson? Consider adding some of the following elements: Narration, Captions, Transitions, Music, Graphics, 3-D Models, Video demonstrations, etc.
- Capturing documents and handwritten text (check lighting on doc camera and projector images; consider taking pieces of these and supplementing with other elements; re-consider images of writing on a whiteboard).
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