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Podcast In A Bottle

Page history last edited by Sam Davis 12 years, 10 months ago





Keeping It Cool The First Day Of School

Let's face it. As summer comes to a close and the first day approaches, many teachers feel the pressure. They wonder, "How will I start things off right?" This podcast is meant to let teachers share their "cool ideas" for making the first day count. See a few of our contributors below, and look for the new voices to be added in the iTunes U Collection, Podcast in a Bottle: Keepin' it Cool on the First Day of School.


















Social Studies
Grade 7/8 Science
Elementary Science
 ETC: Recipe for Success
ETC: Book Commercial
Spam Haiku













     Cool Poster
A Piece of the Puzzle
Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich
Rockets Away
Homework For Parents
Book Talks
     Eddie Daniel
Denise Pellin
Joyce Cameron
Kate Lacy
Carey Harris
Amanda Hutchins








Sample Video "Podcasts In A Bottle" from this workshop:



Victoria Groomer
Carol Green
Tammy Moore
Andrea Woody
Grade 4
Grade 1
Middle School
Grade 7 - Art
"Time Capsule"
"Name Plates"
"Do's and Dont's"
"Safety Video"







Comments (1)

Sam Davis said

at 11:17 am on Aug 3, 2010

First session at ETC was great!

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